Sean Merrick Pickle

Born: 11-21-2004
Birth Time: 8:25 am
St. Cloud Hospital
Weight: 6 lbs 11 oz
Length: 18.25 in.

Updated December 10, 2009

NEW BORN | 1 MONTH | 2 TO 6 MONTH | 6 TO 8 MONTH | SURGERY | 9 TO 26 MONTH | 27 TO 37 MONTH | 2008 | 2009 |CONTACT US

This is a photo gallery of Sean. Sorry for how rough it is, but it is manageable. Click the links above or below to see more pages with photos.

Here are some hints for viewing the photos:
1. If you want to see the picture in a larger view, just click the photo.
2. Use the arrows to move through the photos.

3. If you want to printout any of the photos at their hightest quality, send me a note with the photo name/number and I can email you a higher resolution copy.

| 27 TO 37 MONTH | 2008 | 2009




YouTube Channel:

Tummy Time 3 Mths | Bath in Sink | Walking |Walking Dog |Couch Diving | Barn Jumping |





About Us (2005)

Here is an update about us. The marriage proposal was asked and accepted on Friday, December 6, 2002. For those of you that don’t know, the lady that was crazy enough to agree to spend the rest of her life with me is Chris Haukos. Her two sons Brenden and Evin helped make it a special night by putting on a great meal at the exclusive Pickel’s Restaurant.

We were married on August 8, 2003 on a wedding day we will remember for the rest of our lives as a "perfect" day.

Brenden (16) is on the St. Cloud Tech Cross Country and Swim Teams. He also did very well running triathlons in the summer. He enjoys reading and playing the guitar and played at our wedding.

Evin (14) is also on the St. Cloud Tech Swim Team. Evin is a very good musician. I think he can pick up most any instrument and be able to play it well very quickly. He plays violin with the Tech Chamber Orchestra he plays the piano as well as the banjo. He is performing with his violin with the group Collective Unconscious rock band in April 2005.

Chris, the little princess, is the Fitness and Children’s Program Coordinator at St. Cloud State University. She finished up her Masters degree in Exercise Science at SCSU. She continues to stay very active. Even though a back injury and some nerve problems with her leg has kept her from competing in runs and on the Midwest Triathlon circuit, she still kept busy mountain biking and doing a couple of team triathlons with Brenden. She also has been working out with the St. Cloud Swim Club to try to stay up to Brenden.

And what am I doing? Well, it has almost been almost three years of self-employment. I left the Regional Fitness Center in Morris, MN on December of 2001 so Chris and I could start a business called Pickle Events. In our business we do event management. This consists mainly of timing road races and triathlon but I also direct the local part of the Minnesota State Games when it is held in St. Cloud. I also work with Chris as the executive director of the Earth Day Half Marathon in St. Cloud. We have also developed the Tri Minnesota Series, which consists of ten triathlons throughout the state of Minnesota. Check us out on our website .

Now with Sean a part of the family, it will be interesting to see where that takes us in the future.


Contact us if you have any questions!

Brad Pickle-
Chris Haukos-

(320) 529-0884