SCSU- Campus Recreation Presents:

4 Mile Run & 2 Mile Run/Walk

11:00 am

Canceled for 2005

Riverside Park

St. Cloud, Minnesota


2004 Race Results
2003 Race Results

Enjoy the winter weather through the rolling hills of Riverside Park, Talahi Woods and along the banks of the Mississippi River.

If you wish to register, download a printable registration form (Adobe Acrobat required) and mail it in, or register online.


Register by mail or stop in at the Campus Recreation Office in Halenbeck Hall.

Make checks payable to:
SCSU Campus Recreation

Mail entries to:
SCSU Campus Recreation Office
102 Halenbeck Hall
720 Forth Avenue South
St. Cloud, MN 56301

There will be no refunds.


Time Activity
10:00 - 10:45 am Registration/Check-in
11:00 am Snowshoe Run & Walk Starts
12:00 pm

Awards ceremony. Results will be posted here.


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Race is canceled for 2005 because of lack of snow!

This event is a 4 Mile Snowshoe Run and 2 Mile Snowshoe Run/Walk in Riverside Park and Talahi Woods. Participants will be required to wear snowshoes.

Need snowshoes? Out & About Gear will be supplying a limited number of snowshoes. You must pre-register to reserve a pair.

Weather info:
Hopefully the weather won’t be an issue. If there is no snow on race day, the event will become a cross country run and walk and no snowshoes are required. Dress warm because we won’t cancel because of the cold.


All participants receive a long sleeved t-shirt, refreshments and a chance for door prizes. You must be present to win door prizes.

4 Mile
Awards for the first two places for males and females in each of the following age groups:

The overall male and female winners will receive a special award.

2 Mile
Awards for the first two places for males and females in each of the following age groups:

The overall male and female winners will receive a special award.
Register online